We are first time parents learning how to adventure in a family friendly way. Nowadays life
isn't about the miles hiked (maybe just a little bit), it's more about exploring along the
Amanda Davis has a B.A. in Anthropology and Sociology and a B.S. in Outdoor Education. She's a Wilderness First Responder, a NASP
Instructor, Water Safety Instructor, a Leave No Trace Trainer and a Certified Interpretive Guide. As well as a member of the Wilderness Education Association and National Association of Interpretation.
Joshua Davis has a B.A. in Anthropology. He is an avid hunter and outdoor enthusiast (hiking, snowshoeing, fishing...). He's an active member of
the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation as well as a Free Mason.
So, you may see us out exploring with our boy on our back and our
dog by our side. Please stop to chat with us and share in our adventure (or as we like to call it, hiking our way through